Saturday, April 25, 2015

4 Presidential Emails Letters released by Russian Hackers

To the Most Blessed and Powerful Hassan Rouhani.
Assalamu alaikum!

Fear not, my brother! Just draw up whatever you want in our ‘peace treaty’ (lol!) and I’ll sign it and to Hell with the Congressional Infidels! Just promise me when you bomb Israel that the first to die will be that itinerant goat herder Netanyahu!

Death to The Jews,

P.S. You were right! Game of Thrones is better than ever this season.

Dr. Gerald Feinberg
Washington Plastic Surgery Center

Dear Doctor Feinberg,
I know you told me that gender reassignment surgery is not perfected but can you please do SOMETHING to make Michelle look less butch? I’ve seen East German female weightlifters who look more feminine.

Ms. Monica Lewinsky
193 Avenue J Washington, DC

Dear Monica,
You’re white, you’re fat, and you like Democratic Presidents. You will love me. Please contact Eric Holder for my cell number.

Awaiting your response,

Fidel Castro

Dear Fidel,
Greetings fellow traveler! Per our deal, I will drop all sanctions against Cuba in return for a lifetime supply of Cohiba cigars and an autographed copy of The Communist Manifesto. Thanks you for staying true to our cause.


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