Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Three More Die in Cartoon Protests!

The Story:
Muslim protests against cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammad claimed three more lives on Wednesday when Afghan police fired at a crowd trying to storm a U.S. military base. - Source

What other cartoons may make the Muslim Extremist protest?

Let's take a look

  • The Terrorists are protesting against Bug Bunny when he dresses up like a woman, "He's not a real woman, he's merely a man pretending to be woman and his contant trickery of the duck is a crime against all that is holy!!

  • The Terrorists are protesting against Stone Age men who allow their women to walk about without making them wear at least a piece of shale to cover their face is an insult to their people and their religion.

  • The Terrorists are all up in arms that Jane should have been sacrificing her expendable life to stop that crazy thing!

  • The Terrorists are P.O'd that in over 1000 SuperFriends episodes, The lazy Wonder Twins never adapted to the powers of a goat.

  • 10,000 Terrorists Agree, Hadji needs more face time in Johnny Quest!

  • Terrorists threaten to kidnap Barbara Walters and muss up her makeup unless the three girls in Josie and the pussycats wear more clothing.

  • Terrorists demand that Lucy finally let Charlie brown kick the football.

  • Terrorists are extremely upset with the Roadrunner and ACME Corporation, demand restitution for coyote.

  • Terrorists demand that Barney Rubble gets his own spin-off show. Maybe a variety show like Sonny and Cher. In a worst case he at least gets to host Letterman.

  • The terrorists are trying to recruit Quick Draw McGraw to take the place of the #2 man.

  • Finally, 100,000 Terrorists agree, American cartoons need more camels.

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