You can only keep blaming whitey for so long.
They have had many generations now to correct a common cultural speech impediment, as well as other things that generally plague their demographic, like crime, teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, gangbanging, and so on. If you think that the white man is still deliberately keeping them down, forcing them to make really poor music about bitches and ho's and street life, coercing them into coming up with bizarre linguistic metaphors such as adding "-izzle" to every noun and replacing the "s" after every plural word with "z", and if you think that whitey is leaving them no choice but to give their daughters bizarre names like Shaquanda, Taniqua, LeTaQuisha, Lavitra and Cialis and God knows what else, then something is seriously, seriously wrong with you.
Granted, many blacks do make something of themselves, and do lead successful lives, and do contribute to society and to their country. Black History Month illustrates great examples of individuals who have done it. However, a large majority still live in squalor or on the government's check, and are still singing the same tune of "It's Whitey's Fault". Sooner or later people will see you for what you are, and you can only pass up opportunity after opportunity to become better before no one takes you seriously anymore. Some stereotypes exist for a reason, you know. The way to get rid of them isn't to play the "racist" card, but to do something about it to make sure that you don't fit the stereotype. Take responsibility for your problems and stop blaming them on others who really don't have anything to do with them.
Just because something is marketable doesn't make it a good thing, or make it right. It's a known fact that younger people are less experienced, more impressionable, and more naive than those who have been around longer and know more about what the world is really like. Cigarettes are very, very marketable, and what benefit do they serve? In what way do they help you or others around you? The problem is that people only selectively like to question the world around them. They have no problem criticizing and questioning every minute thing of those they dislike or disagree with, but will waste no time in defending and justifying themselves, and their own shortcomings. If the rap/hiphop genre had linguistic substance, if it benefited its listeners in some way, you probably wouldn't be hearing this argument from so many people. Rap, hip-hop, pop music, and most everything else you hear most prevalently on the radio, in movies, and in commercials are just that: commercial. They're based on market research, and created thus. Very little true creativity is involved, and where rap is concerned, certainly no true musical creativity. How many instruments does your average rapper play? Can he even read music? Most rap music sounds the same: a simple, annoyingly repetitive beat with off-key, off-beat, mostly unintelligible mumblings about the same things, over and over and over. Always about gangstas, guns, bitches, pimps, death, the street. Yeah, that's really wholesome stuff you're pumping into people's heads there, what a great way to improve quality of life and help get rid of the very same things these people make millions "singing" about. But then, to question popular culture is to be branded a racist/bigot/every other usual insult in the PC book.
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