Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Drill Baby Drill

How Democrats and Liberals can block drilling for oil in our own country is beyond me.

It’s almost as if they are being paid by OPEC.

It’s almost as if they want us to continue to pay more money for gas.

It’s as if they want to hurt our economy and take more of our money.

It’s as if they want us to rely on terrorist regimes.

It’s as if they want us to keep making these regimes richer and more powerful.

Nancy Pelosi said she will not allow drilling because Bush’s energy policy was a failure, but the no off shore drilling ban has been in place for decades.

The Artic National Wildlife Refuge is 2000 acres, an area smaller than the Atlanta airport and we are not allowed to get our own oil out of the ground because it may upset the breeding grounds of several animals. So it is more important for Caribou to have a place to get laid than it is for us to be more energy independent.

They point out that it will take years before the oil hits the market. This is what President Clinton said in 1995. If he had allowed the oil drilling back then, we would have had the oil years ago.

Yes, oil is dirty and ideally we would like a feasible, cleaner energy source, but until viable alternate energy sources are found we are stuck with using oil.

Democrats, you were wrong about drilling and you must admit it. The stakes are too high for you to be proud. Bush was wrong about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, you guys have no trouble reminding him.

Now, we are reminding you about your failed policy and you must admit your error and move on. Just like you were wrong about 30 years of Welfare.

We have oil in this country. You are not allowing us to claim it. Your hubris is now endangering our safety.

In spite of the bad economy, in spite of slow progress in Iraq, in spite of the Media campaign against Republicans and in spite of the Media’s ridiculous, laughably obvious bias for Obama I am still voting Republican this year.

I believe the Republicans truly want what is best for this country on most issues. I cannot say the same for Democrats. They are blinded by their beliefs and will not acknowledge any information which challenges or even disproves their world view. They are living in a fantasy land.

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