For the sleepers & anyone else who is unaware what is happening worldwide please read.
A big read, but it's worth all the time it takes to suck it up... Someone once said in regard to what Trump faces: "What's the most
difficult thing in your life? Multiply that times a billion. Now try to
fix that problem on a public stage with thousands of brilliant
psychopathic adversaries working against you."
President Trump
authorized the US Treasury to take control over the Federal Reserve.
This is easily one of the biggest news stories in the last 100 years,
yet many are completely unaware of it, because it was not reported in
any real way on mainstream news outlets.
Many know that the Fed is
not a government agency, but a privately owned banking cartel, which in
1913 instituted a monetary system in which their currency, unlinked to
any hard assets like gold, was loaned into existence at interest to
governments, and by extension their citizens. They came quietly in the
night, and usurped the power of money away from We the People.
first dollar was indeed loaned into existence, but more than a dollar
required in return payment. Thus, by its very model, government debt
could never be repaid, since not enough money exists to repay it. More
money can only be borrowed into existence to service the interest
payments on the existing debt, while creating more of said debt.
majority of funds collected by the IRS go to servicing the interest on
debts to the Fed and not to any public utilities. In this respect, the
Fed has more power than the US Government which it loans its money to.
But not any more.
The Trump Alliance is far bigger than simply one
US President, though Donald Trump is easily one of our greatest, on par
with Washington and Lincoln. One day, he will be up on Mount Rushmore,
and those who did not understand what he stood for while all this was
actually happening can explain to the next generation the mind control
aspects of popular media and how, unfortunately, it also worked on them.
Because every day it gets more obvious, as people from all walks of
life break through the noise of those who might rule us, and discover
the story that is playing out on the world stage. The true definition of
Apocalypse, after all, is not the destruction of the world, but an
unveiling or unfolding of things not previously known and which could
not be known apart from the unveiling.
We have entered the unveiling
stage of world history. To those who wish to know, all information is
available on virtually every subject right at your fingertips, if you
can get past the entertainment media complex, which is owned by 6
corporations, the members of which are all on each other's boards and
the boards of the international banking conglomerate, upon which the Fed
sat like a crown jewel.
But crown jewels ain't what they used to
be. And in this Apocalypse all historical Titans must fall. A new world
will not be birthed via the control mechanisms of the old. That means
the Medical Cartels & Big Pharma must fall. Illness-for-profit is
the name of their game.
Diseases can be, and sometimes are, created
in labs and afterwards the non-cures promoted to the population. These
non-cures keep the disease in a holding pattern long enough to extract
maximum profit. After all, there is no profit in cheaply curing any
In order for the people to know they must be shown, beyond
any and all doubt. For most, telling alone will not be enough. I write
these posts chiefly for posterity. For those deeply ensconced in the
anti-Trump world, no words will ever be enough. No article or news story
will ever meet their standards of validity, and as long as they can
still palm off everything they don't like or agree with as conspiracy,
they will continue to do so. What is at stake are their well-cultivated
illusions, upon which their cherished anti-Trump beliefs are cemented in
media-justified intellectual certainty.
Trump is an ignorant racist
buffoon and his followers are morons. These truths must be self evident
if Jimmy Kimmel & Bill Maher repeat them every night on TV. But the
TV has rarely been a fountain of truth when real power is at stake. You
can detonate buildings in front of some people and they will believe it
when you tell them it was hijacked planes.
Even the building that
no planes hit, that was from hijacked planes, too. The laws of physics
mean nothing when you have been brainwashed by the media and have
Stockholm Syndrome for those who have historically led you around by the
In a way, we are all still sitting inside the prison of an
old history. The doors are open, however, and nothing stops us from
leaving except our own hesitation regarding what might lay on the other
side. True, there are yet some of the old guard left, wardens telling us
we may not leave, that they are still in charge of us.
But the sun
is bright in the meadows outside the prison gates, the birds beckoning
us forward with song. The prison might have fed us and housed us for
longer than we care to remember, but we were never truly free while in
its confines.
What awaits on the other side of this historical
moment is true freedom. It is the promise at the end of history's story.
5,000+ energy patents have been shelved for 'national security reasons'
over the last 70 years. Nikola Tesla was one of the great geniuses of
history and yet the majority of his work was suppressed.
Did you
know Donald Trump's favorite uncle John Trump went to MIT with Tesla and
they worked together, having a shared interest in particle
acceleration? Did you know John Trump inherited the notes of Tesla upon
his death? Those notes went into the right hands.
Energy is one big
piece of the puzzle, but first we must start with banking. This the
golden rule: that those with the gold make the rules. Can you imagine
what the world would be like if Good instead of Evil was actually in
The Federal Reserve will be forced to swallow its own debt
and the US Treasury will institute a new gold backed currency from the
ashes of the dying Fed. The first step has already been taken for this,
with many other steps concurrently behind the scenes. When it is
launched it will seem as if it happened overnight.
The old
petrol-based energy technologies will then be replaced by a release of
new energy tech that will make our current alternative energies look
like children's toys. One of the (very many) reasons Space Force was
instituted was to mine products such as Helium 3 from the moon. It is an
extraordinarily rare element on earth, but exists in far greater supply
on the moon.
A pound of it is worth over a billion dollars. The
reason why is that it can be utilized in nuclear fusion. We currently
utilize nuclear fission, splitting uranium atoms to produce steam which
powers turbines to create electricity. The problem is that the end
product is very dangerous nuclear waste. With nuclear fusion via Helium
3, the end product is organic and harmless.
But you thought Trump
was just a big goofball instituting Space Force, didn't you? Just
another goofy moron who keeps outsmarting the most entrenched and
powerful cartels the world has ever known at each and every turn. And
yes, Covid19 was created and released to counter the freedom fighters of
the Trump Alliance and to stop the inevitable awakening of humanity on
Earth. The plan was discovered and largely mitigated, though there has
been obvious fall out.
And no, they don't get to lock down the world
indefinitely and inject us all with their Gates vaccine. Their plans
will be used against them. The whole world is watching and they will be
unmasked for all to see. Many already do see, quite clearly, but there
are just as many still entranced by the spell of Hollywood & the
They thought we would all follow the stars. We may follow the
north star, and light our way at night by the glimmer of
constellations, but the bought-and-sold 'stars' of Hollywood have never
had less value. Most of them report to those who gave them their
stardom, their 'special job' of prominence, and as such, that is where
their allegiances can be found, even when those allegiances run counter
to the benefit of humanity. Define sell-out.
Define rationalization.
There are notable exceptions, of course, and you can't knock someone
for wanting to work in a creative field like the arts. However, there is
no excuse for steering the public wrong at such a critical juncture.
And those that do are the chaff and not the wheat of this harvest. They
should change their tunes while they still have the chance.
An Anon
once said in regard to what Trump faces: "What's the most difficult
thing in your life? Multiply that times a billion. Now try to fix that
problem on a public stage with thousands of brilliant psychopathic
adversaries working against you."
Eventually all will come to
realize that a Divine Providence has guided the Trump Alliance's quest
to rid the world of the death cult control of the old guard and free
humanity. Trump is a true hero of the American People, and by extension,
the entire World. Some see it now. Some will see it later. But
eventually it will be a well established permanent truth.
You can
tell the difference by what they promote. Trump has promoted
Hydroxychloroquine. It is a generic drug that costs 63 cents. He has no
stake in it, beyond the fact that it works, and for much more than just
Covid. His opponents promote a thousand dollar pill that they own. And
they promote a vaccine with medical chip tracking.
These are the
same people that believe there are too many humans on Earth and we need
to reduce the numbers. They're so in-your-face obvious about their plans
at this point they might as well be wearing Dr. Evil costumes. This is
what I mean when I say that people cannot be told, they must be shown.
If you haven't figured out at this point that they put things in
vaccines that are not radiant products of health-promoting vitality,
then you are simply not paying attention. And this is a bad time to be
not paying attention. Therefore, the stage play will get more and more
obvious until all but the most blind can see it.
Right now we still
have a great many well-meaning people advocating for their oppressors
and battling against the Trump Alliance. That very Alliance which is
opening the gates of our metaphoric jails and smashing down the prison
But you can't be forced out of your individual cell. Freewill
is still paramount. While it is true that the Titans are going down
whether they like it or not (and they most certainly do not like it)
each individual must decide for themselves how to interpret events and
proceed forward on their own two feet.
What awaits us? Trump himself told us in his inaugural address.
"The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action...
We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the
mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and
to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow."
In order to unlock these technologies and free the Earth from disease,
those that controlled the technologies and hid the cures from us must be
comprehensively defeated. And make no mistake, we are here to defeat
them, absolutely and at every level.
And when we are done there will
be nothing left of their 'new world order' power structure. It was
never the new world order anyway, it was the old, and it has literally
no chance of maintaining its structure in the reality of the increasing
light upon the planet.
The Aboriginals, the Natives, the great seers
from the past, they knew this time was coming. And none of us are here
today by accident. At one level or another, you signed up for this time,
and chose to be here now. It's a heck of a wave to surf, but it will
take us to a far better shore, one we can only imagine from our current
vantage point. It's promise is worth whatever it takes to get there. In
the end, it is only the ghosts of the past we leave behind.
As light
increases, frequencies change. As light increases, what was once hidden
is revealed. Again, the true meaning of Apocalypse. This is the
Apocalypse for the old world order. As more of the public awakens, their
control continues to slip. They will fight every step of the way, but
they cannot stop what is coming, or hide what is being revealed.
So ask yourself what side of history you'd like to be on as this final series of curtains are pulled back, one after the other.
Do you still wish that somehow Trump will be stopped? You will not get your wish.
If you stand for the freedom of humanity to live in a world that
supports their true health and well-being, you might ask to be shown the
actual truth, hidden behind all those curtains, instead of the pretty
little lies promoted by those that would control you with their banks,
their medical cartels, and their old energy technology.
Do not be
fooled by their claims to love the environment. They are heavily
invested in oil and gas. Do not be fooled by their claims to love health
care. They are heavily invested in the corrupt pharmaceutical industry.
Do not be fooled by their claims to support prosperity. They foisted
their banking system on us on Christmas Eve, 1913.
And sunk the
Titanic beforehand to take out the 3 major bankers who were against
their plan. That's how little they care about any lives lost in the
fallout of their schemes. Did Hollywood tell you about that story? No,
it gave you a fictional tale of a lost diamond and a touching little
love story about a floating hunk of wood with room for only one.
something else also happened once upon a Christmas Eve. A rag-tag band
of freedom loving Patriots crossed the semi-frozen Delaware and hiked 9
miles in a blizzard to take on the most powerful empire on Earth. Their
chance of victory in this war of Revolution, by any mathematical
calculation, hovered right around zero percent. But as Washington
himself said: "The Man must be bad indeed who can look upon the
events of the American Revolution without feeling the warmest gratitude
towards the great Author of the Universe whose divine interposition was
so frequently manifested in our behalf.”
Do not bet against
President Trump and the Trump Alliance. Divine Providence guides them,
like Washington and his Continental Army, in this battle. No one can
tell the exact time frames while we are still in the story, but the
route itself is inexorable.
The Titan known as the Federal Reserve was taken down, quietly, overnight, with a single hit from a slingshot.
What is next? When Trump mentioned that light can be used as a
disinfectant for diseases in the body, did you make fun of him or choose
to look into that technology? The choice, as ever, is yours. The path
of ignorance or enlightenment. Both are difficult in their own ways, but
only one gets to a place worth getting to.
When light dawns, people
awaken. When light dawns, darkness disappears. Darkness and its
progenitors had their time for historical rule. There was a genius in
their darkness and their methods of control. But when the time is up,
the time is up. You don't bet against cycles whose imprimatur predates
the plans of any and all mice and men.
And do not bet against Donald
Trump or the Alliance that supports him. The best is truly yet to come.
Where we go one, we go all.