1) If you are against any of his policies you are a racist.
2) If there is a policy of Obama's that is failing, it's Bush's fault.
3) If Obama makes a mistake that cannot be attributed to Bush, it is a teaching moment.
4) All of the disreputable people he wants in government positions are to be Czars to avoid attention to their pasts.
5) Any problems he encounters should be able to be fixed with a really good speech. If that doesn't work, see rule #2.
6) The American people don't know what is good for them. They are to be ignored because after we force our policies through quickly they will eventually see that we were right or by then it will be too late.
7) Being nice to repressive foreign governments will make them like us and do what we want. If that doesn't work, see rule #5, if that fails, fall back on good old #2.
8) Most problems can be fixed with higher taxes. This includes Global Warming, sickness and disease and obesity and the Post Office.
9) The government cannot be too big or control too much of the citizen's life.
10) Capitalism and competition are not as good as government control. The only reason capitalism exists is to provide taxes for government control.
11) Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, uncontrolled Talk Radio and Foxnews are more of a threat to our country than Al Qaeda, terrorism, North Korea or Iran.